Sunday, April 18, 2010

Posts for 4/18

4/18 Posts

I commented on Sesalina's blog this week. She had written creatively about their class playing a game with another class. She was very descriptive and wrote reaally good!

We were asked to blog about anything to do with our EDM310 class this week. I know this sounds very elementary, but my favorite thing I have learned is about GoogleDocs. My boyfriend now uses it at his office. I taught him how you can do a presentation, worksheet, spreadsheet, and a document--- He really liked it because you can email to other people with gmail and they can edit or make changes to it.
So this was what I've gotten the most use out of so far.


  1. I really like the Google docs also, it is very convenient!

  2. The orthodontist? Kind of brief for a topic the was supposed to generate a debate, or at least some interesting comments.

  3. I agree google docs was a very nice program.
