Sunday, April 11, 2010

April 11

Dr. Seuss- The Zax

This week's assignment was to watch the "zax" video. I love Dr. Seuss! I haven't really watched any Seuss videos in years...but they all have hidden meaning-- you guys should check some additional ones out on youtube. Click HERE to view the video we were assigned to watch.

The two "zax" are really stubborn, and in some cases you should be. I'm open to change though as well. This video show that you are most likely missing out on something amazing by not "changing direction".

PS 22

Great video- I loved hearing the children sing. I think posting and working online is an awesome idea. I'm so glad that I've learned so much about it this semester. Teachers can view it online and it also keeps you accountable.


I commented on Chris' blog this week. He is so sweet and outgoing, I'm sure he is a joy to have in the classroom.


  1. Kia Ora Brooksy,
    Thanks for leaving Chris a comment on his blog. We're all on holiday but we're starting up again next Monday. I'll show him your comment and I'm sure he'll appreciate it. He is a joy to have in the class. All the best for the continuation of your studies.

    Miss Lavakula

  2. Dr. Seuss is amazing! I loved the video.
