Sunday, February 28, 2010

Forgot about PLN post whoops

Didn't mean to have to make a seperate post for my PLN update but anyway, it will have to do.

I created my PLN using twitter. I got on Dr. Strange's twitter page and foloowed everyone who had anything to do with education.

I also got Beth Stiller's blog sight and am now following her 50 teachers that she supports. I'm still kind of wading through all of this, many have answered my tweets about educationa dn PLNs and given me there blog adresses to look at to get ideas and to read their different experiences.

What a wealth of information! I've got plenty of resources now, I hope everyone will foloow these teachers on my twitter account, they could be so helpful to you in your future teaching.


  1. Hi Brooksy,

    My name is Anthony Capps, and I found some real value in Dr. Strange's class when I took it last semester, so I wanted to stay involved this semester. I am doing so by leaving some comments on blogs like yours to give some insight about what helped me most, that you may not have discovered yet.

    With PLN's your twitter approach is SPOT ON. I would follow as many education related people as possible because it is a constant stream that can lead you to all kinds of helpful places. You might also check out Tweetdeck which will help you organize your twitter account (it also merges facebook and twitter so you can check both at once!).

    Moreover, your second approach about following as many teachers as possible (presumably through Google Reader on your igoogle page) seems a little messy. If you haven't already, you might try filtering through, and picking some of your favorite bloggers to follow and create a separate tab for just them. For example, on my igoogle homepage, I set it up so that my google reader only displays recent posts from Mr. C's Class Blog, At The Teacher's Desk", Keeping Kids First and of course EDM 310 Class Blog. This is a list I can change at any point, but for now it helps me focus in on some pretty smart mentors without getting overwhelmed (which is easy to do!).

    I hope this helps and if you have any questions you are welcome to comment on My Blog or Email Me. Have a good rest of the week and good luck!

  2. EDM310 Students: Anthony's advice is excellent, or using his term, "SPOT ON."
