Sunday, January 17, 2010

Mr. Winkle Wakes comments:

This movie is vaguely about the same storyline as Rip van Winkle, but interjects some much needed points that we don't often think about in our education system. Mr. winkle wakes from his rest to find that everything has changed around him. Everything but the schools. He feels comfortable there, nothing has changed. Everything is the same as 100 years ago. Now maybe our schools aren't that dated but... in some ways maybe they are. We should explore and update the learning systems and technology in schools just as they do in the workplace and everyday life. Highways, cars, hospitals, and places of business are constantly having consultants and professionals come in to tell them what the latest and greatest technology is, and how we can improve things and make them faster and more efficient. I really don't see that the education . system sees it as much of a priority as even a dentist office does... they update their computers, they are paperless. No files, no charts! Shouldn't we take the same care with the people that we are educating to work in theses technologically sound environments? I think so.

1 comment:

  1. And so do I. But how do we accomplish that?

    You have capitalization errors in all 3 of your posts.
    Next week and thereafter, put all of your responses in one post separated into a section for each video or article that you consider.
    Where is your post on Did You Know?
