Monday, May 3, 2010

FINAL post for this semester

I ahte writing that title.. Because it's not my FINAL post in a sense of the word-- it may be for my final for edm 310 though--- anyway.

I loved loved this class! It was a bit overwhelming to begin with-- but I like that. I found lots of things beneficial-- I now am going to get a MAC! yay for me. I saw how great they are in this class. I also love google docs which is pretty lame to say that I liked it the most but... well you know me-- lame. Haa. I've shared this with EVERYONE. I'm also glad I was introduced to the world of blogging!

One thing I would not change but improve on... Assignments. Need a list of assignments with instructions as a document by itself. this should includ instructions on each and the due date. That way we can work on anything ahead of time and know exactly what to do. This would have cut down on my confusion A LOT.

Alright, well goodbye EDM 310 classmates and Dr. Strange for now-- hope to still hear from you- luv u guys :)

Brooksy- born procrastinator